"Conf’errance : La poésie, une arme chargée de futur"

October 14, -
Speaker(s): "On A Slamé sur la Lune"
This event will be a multilingual slam in French, English, and Hatian creole.

On a Slamé sur la Lune is a collective of poets dedicated to creating dialogue between imaginaries and cultures, to democratizing literature under its various forms, and to making art accessible to a wide range of audiences.

Marc Alexandre aka Capitaine Alexandre
Slam poet and novelist, Marc Alexandre Oho Bambe is the founding member of the collective On a Slamé sur la lune. He has published eight books and is a chronicler for Africultures, Mediapart and Le Nouveau Magazine Littéraire. He regularly visits universities and schools for workshops. In 2017, he was nominated for the Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Mérite.

Albert Morisseau-Leroy aka Manalone
Slam poet and digital artist, Albert Morisseau-Leroy is a member of the collective On a Slamé sur la Lune. He uses digital, visual, and sound tools to heighten the impact of poetry.
'L'Art n'est rien s'il ne peut être partagé et au service des citoyens que nous sommes... la poésie en est un des moteurs... Il est au présent, vision future, témoin passé.'

Romance Studies


Center for French and Francophone Studies

"Conf’errance : La poésie, une arme chargée de futur"


Anne-Gaëlle Saliot